
Urhobo Names

Urhobo Names of Appreciation

Watch our video which explores some Urhobo names of appreciation; so that those who are about to have a baby

Urhobo words

100 Daily Use Urhobo Words

Learning the Urhobo Language is great fun and very important for sustaining our traditions and cultures. This is our 100 Daily Use Urhobo words series, presenting commonly used words English meaning and common usage in Urhobo

urhobo names

Urhobo Names and their Meanings

Every Urhobo name given to a child has a meaning attached to it. Urhobo people believe that a child lives up to the likeness or meaning of the name that she or he bears

urhobo numbers

Urhobo Numbers

UKERI means ‘counting’ in the Urhobo language The Urhobo numbering system can count up to one billion and more, like it is done in other languages.

urhobo names

Urhobo Names and their Meanings

Every Urhobo name given to a child has a meaning attached to it. Urhobo people believe that a child lives up to the likeness or meaning of the name that she or he bears

urhobo numbers

Urhobo Numbers

UKERI means ‘counting’ in the Urhobo language The Urhobo numbering system can count up to one billion and more, like it is done in other languages.

Urhobo Alphabets

Urhobo Alphabets

Urhobo language is both complex and beautiful. There are thirty six (36) alphabets; 7 vowels; 18 Consonants; 10 Compound Consonants and 1 Complex Consonant.


Urhobo – English Dictionary

Sustaining and advancing Urhobo language must be a priority for us all. It is great to have Urhobo-English Dictionary written by Anthony Obakpọnọvwẹ Ukere